Lifestyle|| 3 E-commerce Do’s & Dont’s – An Extract From African Women In Technology Conference (#AWITNIGERIA2019).

We will all recall that last month was #womensdaymonth and the 8th of March was #InternationalWomen’sday with the theme BalanceforBetter, I wrote a post here on that. In conjunction with that, there was a conference at Tech Zone Park in Lagos titled African Women in Technology Conference: Awaken the TechAZON Within which was primarily sponsored by…

Lifestyle|| #BalanceforBetter: International Women’s Day.

It’s another Women’s Day month. Look how time flies. Last year I interviewed a couple of women in the blogging field. Amongst them is Salmah of DearSalmah who talked about The Challenges and Journey of a Lifestyle and Fashion Blogger, Tonye of ByTonye who talked about combining Lifestyle, Food, DIY and Fashion niches, Uchachy on…

Lifestyle|| 5 Reasons Why Your Business Is Not Growing

Nowadays everyone tends to have one form of business or the other for either the right reasons or the wrong reasons. While some start this business because of fame and money ultimately, others start because of their passion and foresighted longevity as well as building their network. I know a couple of people who into…